Robodebt Abuse Built On Coalition Lies To Australians
5 mins 1 yr

Robodebt Abuse Built On Coalition Lies To Australians

The Coalition had run a narrative about Australian dole bludgers and welfare cheats for decades. It was part of the right wing playbook of creating villains for the electorate to focus their frustrations and hate upon. The enemy is all those Aussies gaming the system and not doing their fair share. Robodebt was their policy initiative to clean up Dodge, as welfare cops on the beat clawing back billions for the budget. Robodebt abuse was built on Coalition lies to Australians. Scott Morrison was in such a hurry that he didn’t want to waste time on dotting the I’s and crossing the t’s when it came to the legality of the scheme. Kathryn Campbell, the public servant responsible in Human Services, would make the bullets for Sheriff Morrison to fire at the legion of welfare cheats downunder. A lot of paper shuffling went on between senior bureaucrats in the social security and human services departments. Pleasing the boss was paramount bin the minds of these highly paid functionaries.

people standing on street during daytime
4 mins 1 yr

Australian Racism: Not Nice To Think About

In Australia, we like to tell people that we are not a racist nation. We are the whizz bang wonders of a multicultural society, after all. We judge things like racism by our own experience of such things. Coming from privileged, white backgrounds, our view of the world is rosy and she’ll be apples mate! Too much is made of this kind of thing. Hell, it doesn’t bother me! Nobody talks much about the concept of walking in another man or woman’s shoes. If you haven’t had shopkeepers and bystanders staring at you suspiciously. If you haven’t had women crossing the street to avoid your presence. If you haven’t experienced closed minds judging you when you apply for a job, a loan, or an even break – how the f*** would you know anything about racism in Australia, really.

Culture Fresh
grayscale photo of building
5 mins 8 mths

Leader Of The Opposition Banging War Drums

It’s the old story, Leader of the Opposition banging war drums at home and criticising the PM for going out and doing things in the world. When he should be at home mud wrestling with Dutton. Hamas initiated war with Israel and that is Albo’s fault. According to Dutton, Albo should be touring Israel, just like Scomo, instead of wasting his time repairing the China relationship – our major trading partner and the economic elephant in the room. The Libs want to bang the war drums with China and blame the red menace for everything under the bed. Dutton sees himself as a mini Trump, voicing loud opinions on everything.

Fresh Politics

New Content

a person holding a flower in front of a window
5 mins 9 mths

ABC Reveals Podiatrist Ripping Off Veterans

Thank Adele Ferguson for shining the spotlight on this alleged blatant exploitation by a Sydney podiatrist of vulnerable Australians. ABC reveals podiatrist ripping off veterans and the evidence is stacks up. This illustrates the malfeasance by medical professionals occurring within the Medicare system and other government schemes. We know that billions of dollars are being rorted by some within the medical fraternity in a betrayal of the trust put in them by the Australian public. The 7.30 Report shows the complete lack of oversight present in so many government-funded schemes in Australia. The idea that all doctors are good guys and worthy women is being shown to be a costly fallacy for tax payers down under. Thank goodness for investigative journalism.

person wearing suit reading business newspaper
0 18 mins 7 hrs

Billionaire Influence: Rich Men & Their Sheep

Individuals who have made a shit load of money are not necessarily wise by nature. There is, however, an all too ready willingness to believe in their superiority by the sheep-like members of our communities. Billionaire influence: Rich men and their sheep. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Charles Koch and the list could go on are some of the most influential billionaires of the 21C. The majority of us are content to shuffle along in life and follow the leader. ‘Working for the man’ means for many trading their integrity for a meagre amount of financial security. Crumbs from the trickledown effect of decades of neoliberalism. Once you have passed on your autonomy to another it is no stretch to follow their lead wherever they take you. This makes very wealthy people much more influential than their poorer counterparts.

Culture Economics Fresh Politics
person wearing suit reading business newspaper
0 18 mins 7 hrs

Billionaire Influence: Rich Men & Their Sheep

Individuals who have made a shit load of money are not necessarily wise by nature. There is, however, an all too ready willingness to believe in their superiority by the sheep-like members of our communities. Billionaire influence: Rich men and their sheep. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Charles Koch and the list could go on are some of the most influential billionaires of the 21C. The majority of us are content to shuffle along in life and follow the leader. ‘Working for the man’ means for many trading their integrity for a meagre amount of financial security. Crumbs from the trickledown effect of decades of neoliberalism. Once you have passed on your autonomy to another it is no stretch to follow their lead wherever they take you. This makes very wealthy people much more influential than their poorer counterparts.

Culture Economics Fresh Politics
the old way
4 mins 2 yrs

The Old Way Is On The Way Out

ove to centre stage in a wide array of countries. In Australia, Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins have led an impassioned charge to stimulate reform around the nation. Disability is another sore point of neglect in this country, which has seen new advocates coming forward and getting long overdue airtime. The old way is on the way out, in terms of our concerns and power sharing.

The Golf Book: Green Cathedral Dreams
4 mins 3 yrs

The Golf Book New Release Now Available Via Amazon

“This is a book about golf and in particular why the game of golf is so special. It is a book about why I love the game and why it has captured my passion and imagination. Golf is unlike most other sporting contests in that you play primarily against the course and to a lesser extent against your playing partners and other competing golfers. The lie of the land challenges you from the opening tee shot until the final putt drops.” Robert Sudha Hamilton.

Words for Wen content marketing matters
4 mins 3 yrs

Content Marketing Matters

At Words for Web we’re dedicated to giving you the very best online content, copy, and information. Content marketing is our area of expertise. We research and deliver exceptional content for your site and social media platforms. Our writers are topline and produce powerful SEO […]

House Therapy book cover
3 mins 3 yrs

Conversion Optimisation

There are more than a billion websites globally and the vast majority of them are without a sale to their name. I don’t know about you but that strikes me as kind of sad. It speaks of misfiring strategies and misapplied capitol. It sings a song of failure and the herd mentality of human beings. We like to focus on the success stories in life, especially in the study of marketing. The poor conversion optimisation exponent is like the guy or gal who cannot get to first base. It tells a story of the loneliness of the loser.

Words for Web SEO Content Marketing
4 mins 3 yrs


Blog is an ugly word, but blogging is a very useful tool for effective content marketing and SEO. At Words for Web we are inveterate bloggers from way back. We blog for business and pleasure, day and night. Which Marketing Company Is for You: Can […]

Words for Web When Words Really Mattered
3 mins 3 yrs

When Words Really Mattered

Have a think back to when you were in a situation when words really mattered. I mean when your words were like life and death to your set of circumstances. The consequences were dire and what you said or communicated by email or text was […]