*** words matter
Those demon drugs are plaguing another AFL club it seems. Recreational drugs are the bane of professional sporting organisations, as highly paid players with too much time on their hands fall prey to addictive pursuits. Druggy Demons in AFL spotlight, with one player already suspended and a dark cloud over other high profile Melbourne FC players.
Fresh Culture SportLooking back on recent federal governments in Australia is very revealing. Counting up the cost of Coalition governments to ordinary citizens is somewhat shocking. Peter Dutton and the Coalition government awarded a $400 million contract to a company registered at a beach shack on Kangaroo Island – Paladin. This shady entity had no previous experience running offshore detention centres and the Richardson enquiry revealed a dodgy provenance. Further companies engaged by the Coalition to run these refugee lockups on islands have been exposed to have links to drug dealers and arms running. Much of this happened on Peter Dutton’s watch as Home Affairs minister. Dutton talks tough to the media on border security but his track record is another matter altogether. Dirty deeds done really bloody expensively by shady organisations – would be a fair assessment.
Fresh Culture Economics PoliticsIt seemingly began with groups of Christians claiming that they were under attack from a progressive liberal America. They wanted the right to discriminate against individuals on the basis of their sexual preference. All these human rights coming into law, often at the behest of the United Nations and their treaties, were, apparently, threatening the basis of fundamental religious instruction in schools and churches. Now, we are seeing the Christian march to power in America. They have their immoral leader Donald J Trump promising them a new land with authoritarian laws amended to fit their way of life.
Fresh Culture PoliticsAmerican’s voted in Donald Trump as their president for the second time. What did someone famous once say about ‘once can be forgiven as a mistake but twice is no excuse’, or words to that effect anyway. Yes, Trump only won by 1.4 points but considering he was a convicted felon and well known conman it was a travesty. Americans have only themselves to blame on this score. Therefore, Trump’s America is the enemy. The enemy of those who believe in law and order. The enemy of those who value democracy. The enemy of those who oppose white supremacists, sexual offenders, and blowhard bullies.
American’s voted in Donald Trump as their president for the second time. What did someone famous once say about ‘once can be forgiven as a mistake but twice is no excuse’, or words to that effect anyway. Yes, Trump only won by 1.4 points but considering he was a convicted felon and well known conman it was a travesty. Americans have only themselves to blame on this score. Therefore, Trump’s America is the enemy. The enemy of those who believe in law and order. The enemy of those who value democracy. The enemy of those who oppose white supremacists, sexual offenders, and blowhard bullies.
Economics Fresh PoliticsAmerican’s voted in Donald Trump as their president for the second time. What did someone famous once say about ‘once can be forgiven as a mistake but twice is no excuse’, or words to that effect anyway. Yes, Trump only won by 1.4 points but considering he was a convicted felon and well known conman it was a travesty. Americans have only themselves to blame on this score. Therefore, Trump’s America is the enemy. The enemy of those who believe in law and order. The enemy of those who value democracy. The enemy of those who oppose white supremacists, sexual offenders, and blowhard bullies.
Economics Fresh PoliticsAmerican’s voted in Donald Trump as their president for the second time. What did someone famous once say about ‘once can be forgiven as a mistake but twice is no excuse’, or words to that effect anyway. Yes, Trump only won by 1.4 points but considering he was a convicted felon and well known conman it was a travesty. Americans have only themselves to blame on this score. Therefore, Trump’s America is the enemy. The enemy of those who believe in law and order. The enemy of those who value democracy. The enemy of those who oppose white supremacists, sexual offenders, and blowhard bullies.
Economics Fresh PoliticsWhat does a bully or stand over guy do to his victim? He menaces then extracts some form of payment in lieu of not beating him up. This is what Donald Trump is doing on the international trade scene. Trump threatens and shakes down Australia. This is what he has done with Canada and Mexico, other US allies. The media plays right into his hands by creating this melodrama, where the little guy or gal gets put under pressure from Trump and then we are all supposed to feel gratitude when the threat does not eventuate. The tariff stand over tactic will not serve US interests long term, rather it will poison an already dirty well.
Economics Fresh PoliticsThe story of American Independence is a far more nuanced one than most folk know. It was not all about a battle for freedom for the ‘hard done by’ colonists against the mighty British Empire. American Independence founded on lies is not too far from the truth when examining the southern slaver colonies like Virginia. Thomas Jefferson and his white slaver rebels burned the city of Norfolk to prevent it falling into the hands of emancipated African American slaves. The British were interested in abolishing slavery and had put limits on further expansion into Indian territories in North America. This did not sit well with white plantation families in the American colonies. Settlers in the New World, more generally, were motivated to enrich themselves no matter the cost to enslaved people and Indigenous populations.
Culture FreshHave you ever counted up all the things in life you now have to pay for? Say, for instance if we compare it to previous generations? Let’s start with music, as most folk have a subscription to listen to music on their phone these days. Back in the day people used to own their copies of recorded music not rented them. Next, how about all your streaming service subscriptions. Yes, range of content is much better now but we are paying for it. It used to be either free to air with ads or pay TV but now companies like Amazon are milking the cow from both ends. The voracious pigs like Jeff Bezos want to make you pay and get advertising revenue. I can see the whole sector going this way.
Economics Fresh PoliticsYour website has an insatiable desire for fresh content if it is to achieve optimal results on Google and other search engines. The world wide web is not a set and forget space when it comes to digital marketing success. Neglected sites, like neglected intimate […]
At Words for Web we’re dedicated to giving you the very best online content, copy, and information. Content marketing is our area of expertise. We research and deliver exceptional content for your site and social media platforms. Our writers are topline and produce powerful SEO […]
There are more than a billion websites globally and the vast majority of them are without a sale to their name. I don’t know about you but that strikes me as kind of sad. It speaks of misfiring strategies and misapplied capitol. It sings a song of failure and the herd mentality of human beings. We like to focus on the success stories in life, especially in the study of marketing. The poor conversion optimisation exponent is like the guy or gal who cannot get to first base. It tells a story of the loneliness of the loser.
I am sure that you have heard of the ancient saying, ‘As Above, So Below’, supposedly from Hermes Trismegistus the purported author of the Hermetic Corpus. What it quite simply means is that there is a symmetry to existence, or at least to our perception […]
Have a think back to when you were in a situation when words really mattered. I mean when your words were like life and death to your set of circumstances. The consequences were dire and what you said or communicated by email or text was […]