stainless steel spiral bulb wire
4 mins 1 yr

Racist Coalition Weaponizing Immigration

Peter Dutton and the Coalition have been whipping up fear among Australians. Racist Coalition weaponizing immigration by accusing the government of releasing dangerous detainees into the community. It was in actual fact the High Court of Australia that ordered these men who had served their sentences must be released. The frenzy over their release into the community has culminated with Victoria Police wrongly arresting one of the released detainees for sex crimes. Mistaken identity or just white folk paranoia pointing the finger at any Arab looking character? Dog whistling Dutton does not care what damage he causes to people’s lives. Politics is everything to the very rich landlord Dutton and his party of shrill acolytes.

Fresh Politics
us a flag during daytime
5 mins 1 yr

US Supreme Court Slow Walks Trump Immunity Claim Appeal & Stay

SCOTUS has virtually guaranteed that Donald Trump will not be tried prior to the Presidential election of 2024. US Supreme Court slow walks Trump immunity claim appeal and stay from prosecution. By deciding to take the case it has undermined the unanimous denial of trump’s claims by the federal court of appeals. The stacking of SCOTUS with conservative GOP aligned justices by Trump is obviously paying benefits. The legal rule of law was really the last hope for America in holding Donald Trump accountable for attempts to subvert the Constitution in 2020. The US is now an international disgrace and no longer can be considered a leading democratic nation.

Fresh Politics
woman lying on bed with gray blanket
4 mins 1 yr

Druggy Demons In AFL Spotlight

Those demon drugs are plaguing another AFL club it seems. Recreational drugs are the bane of professional sporting organisations, as highly paid players with too much time on their hands fall prey to addictive pursuits. Druggy Demons in AFL spotlight, with one player already suspended and a  dark cloud over other high profile Melbourne FC players.

Fresh Culture Sport

New Content

Drive On left street signage
4 mins 1 dy

You Cannot Trust Right Wing Media

The recent popularity of right wing media in Australia and the United States has seen the emergence of new platforms and networks. Unfortunately, these are not being staffed and fronted by actual journalists in the main. Op/eds have become the product of choice in the media over the last couple of decades. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp publications and shows have led the way in this populist approach to current affairs and the news. Sky News Australia and Fox News are chock full of former right wing political hacks and staffers. Objectivity has become an arcane idea laughed about at editorial and production meetings in search of eyeballs and ratings. Therefore, you cannot trust the right wing media.

Donald Trump with horns wall mural
5 mins 2 hrs

The Bully America Elected President

Donald Trump is a bully. The bully America elected as President. A whole lot of fearful Americans want Trump to play the strongman. The Republican party has demonised scapegoats so that Trump can bully them. Illegal immigrants, who are most often desperate vulnerable people, have been painted as violent criminals. This political pantomime with ICE agents rounding up dark skinned women, children and men will cost lives. Ethnic cleansing is the pursuit of fascist regimes. The richest country in the world is savagely stripping away social services for poor people. Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, is attacking the poorest people in America and globally. He is denigrating them and the civil servants who work with them. Demonising  prior to purging.

Culture Economics Fresh
Donald Trump with horns wall mural
5 mins 2 hrs

The Bully America Elected President

Donald Trump is a bully. The bully America elected as President. A whole lot of fearful Americans want Trump to play the strongman. The Republican party has demonised scapegoats so that Trump can bully them. Illegal immigrants, who are most often desperate vulnerable people, have been painted as violent criminals. This political pantomime with ICE agents rounding up dark skinned women, children and men will cost lives. Ethnic cleansing is the pursuit of fascist regimes. The richest country in the world is savagely stripping away social services for poor people. Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, is attacking the poorest people in America and globally. He is denigrating them and the civil servants who work with them. Demonising  prior to purging.

Culture Economics Fresh

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Blog is an ugly word, but blogging is a very useful tool for effective content marketing and SEO. At Words for Web we are inveterate bloggers from way back. We blog for business and pleasure, day and night. Which Marketing Company Is for You: Can […]

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When Words Really Mattered

Have a think back to when you were in a situation when words really mattered. I mean when your words were like life and death to your set of circumstances. The consequences were dire and what you said or communicated by email or text was […]