us a flag during daytime
5 mins 7 mths

US Supreme Court Slow Walks Trump Immunity Claim Appeal & Stay

SCOTUS has virtually guaranteed that Donald Trump will not be tried prior to the Presidential election of 2024. US Supreme Court slow walks Trump immunity claim appeal and stay from prosecution. By deciding to take the case it has undermined the unanimous denial of trump’s claims by the federal court of appeals. The stacking of SCOTUS with conservative GOP aligned justices by Trump is obviously paying benefits. The legal rule of law was really the last hope for America in holding Donald Trump accountable for attempts to subvert the Constitution in 2020. The US is now an international disgrace and no longer can be considered a leading democratic nation.

Fresh Politics
Robodebt Abuse Built On Coalition Lies To Australians
10 mins 1 yr

Only 1 In 6 Aussies Interact With An Indigenous Australian

The numbers don’t lie but rather tell the real story of an already divided country. These conservative white politicians going around warning of the divisive potentialities of the Voice to Parliament are full of the proverbial. The fact that only 1 in 6 Aussies interact with an Indigenous Australian means that most of us don’t really know an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. We live largely separate lives and only hear about them in the news. We have no idea what it is like to walk in their shoes. Therefore, the calls to vote No are misguided because the status quo is not alright for the majority of First Nations Australians.

Culture Fresh Politics
it is not easy being black
6 mins 1 yr

It Is Not Easy Being Black

Indigenous Australians make up just under 4% of the population; and right now they are in the national spotlight. The coming October 14th referendum about amending the Australian  Constitution to recognise First Nation’s peoples and the creation of an advisory voice to parliament on issues directly effecting them has thrust many into uncomfortable places. Not everyone feels at home being a spokesperson for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs. In light of this, it is not easy being black right now.

Culture Fresh Politics

New Content

the housing crisis & homelessness - textile under the wall mounted hooks
4 mins 1 yr

Australian Government Does Sweet F*** A** During Housing Crisis

We are in the midst of a housing crisis. A 1000 new migrants are coming into the country a day. Rents are sky rocketing due to the shortage of available housing. Australian government does sweet f*** a** during housing crisis. There is a bill before parliament that if passed may build 30 000 social housing properties over 5 years. This, however, is an emergency and governments are doing bugger all right now to alleviate it. It is not enough to promise better things for the future. We need swift action right now to meet the challenges of this unfolding crisis.

white swan on water during daytime
5 mins 1 yr

Swans Shellacking By Cats Is Déjà Vu

AFL side, the Sydney Swans, went down to Geelong undermanned and got thumped. Swans shellacking by Cats is déjà vu, after the 2022 grand final thrashing was repeated. The Geelong team were mighty and won the contest all over the ground. The Swans were missing their full back, centre half back, and other big man in defence. Sydney was also without their full forward and first choice ruckman. The Swans battled manfully and never gave up but were severely outclassed and outplayed. The result of the match exposed some serious flaws in the #Swans recruiting over the previous few years.

girl in black and white long sleeve shirt sitting on black wheelchair
4 mins 1 yr

The NDIS Mess Is Made By Bureaucrats

There is talk of the huge cost to Australians of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS mess is made by bureaucrats. A worthy idea at heart the NDIS has been overloaded with many unnecessary protocols. The fact that individuals on the scheme with lifelong conditions are made to front an annual review panel to prove their disability is the perfect example of this. Who benefits from this? The bureaucrats involved, of course, they create employment and working hours for themselves to conduct these unnecessary reviews. Someone who is blind from birth is not going to suddenly see – no matter your religious beliefs about whether miracles exist. A quadriplegic or paraplegic should not have to prove their status every year. This is red tape wastage that makes the NDIS much more expensive than it need be.

black and orange man with black hair illustration
4 mins 1 yr

Paranoid, Racist, Gun-Toting Society Gone Mad

Paranoid, racist, gun-toting society gone mad. This apt description of parts of America is a frightening fact for the world to consider. White people shooting black kids through their locked front door just for ringing the bell or knocking. White people shooting kids dead in cars for driving onto their property by mistake. This is a population out of control and dangerous to those around them. Guns make people, whatever their whim or momentary state of mind into potential killers. Talk about arrested development, the U.S. is stuck in a violent past, which had its day long ago. Corporate greed manipulating the constitution and the country’s elected representatives is keeping this society locked into a disgusting tableau of death and mass shootings.

selective focus photography of brown football on grass at daytime
7 mins 1 yr

Sydney Swans Poor Kicking For Goal Costs Wins

Sydney Swans’ forward line is letting the team down with inaccuracy in front of goals. Sydney Swans poor kicking for goal costs wins. Lance Franklin has been poor and has missed the few chances he has had. Isaac Heeney is not doing enough and lacks reliability on his set shots. Will Hayward has tried his guts out and done some fine things, but misses too many shots at goal. Logan McDonald has shown some excellent signs and his goal kicking has been pretty good this year. Tom Papley is starting to hit his straps. Joel Amartey has been good but was ineffective in front of goals against Port Adelaide.

Peter Dutton
4 mins 1 yr

Peter Dutton: Australia What Did You Expect?

When the Liberal Party elected Peter Dutton as their leader what did they think would happen? This is the hard right face of this once broadly representative political party. Peter Dutton: Australia what did you expect? A party shunted out of office after 10 years of doing little more than protecting the status quo. At a time when Australia and the world required real leadership, we got jobs for the boys and heads buried in the sand. The Coalition was a federal government devoid of vision and tightly controlled by vested interests.

man in black helmet holding red and yellow flag
4 mins 1 yr

Liberal Party Plays Politics With Aboriginal Voice & Reconciliation

The Liberal Party under the leadership of Peter Dutton has moved further right into irrelevance in Australia. This is the party that has played politics over climate change for the last 15 years and bogged Australia into the slow lane on this existential crisis facing humanity. Now, the Liberal Party plays politics with Aboriginal Voice and reconciliation. It is a dreadful shame that our nation cannot move forward on something so important united on the political front. The Coalition parties, Nationals and Liberals, were never going to get on board this momentous recognition of our Indigenous brothers and sisters, as they represent the hard right racist minority within Australia.

astronaut standing on gray sand
3 mins 1 yr

NASA Names First Homeless Astronaut To Orbit Moon

The space agency NASA has fallen through the glass floor by announcing a team of socially disadvantaged astronauts to fly to the moon. In this brave bid to buck the decades of elitist expeditionary forces sent into outer space – NASA names first homeless astronaut to orbit moon. Diversity and social inclusion have come to the fore in the selection of these intrepid planetary trekkers. The theme of this team is outliers living the dream. More women, more people of colour, more neurodiversity, more people of all abilities, and from a much wider social circle. Frank Sinatra sang, Fly Me to the Moon, and he, although being blue eyed and white, was not of Anglo origin.

the housing crisis & homelessness - textile under the wall mounted hooks
4 mins 1 yr

Australian Government Does Sweet F*** A** During Housing Crisis

We are in the midst of a housing crisis. A 1000 new migrants are coming into the country a day. Rents are sky rocketing due to the shortage of available housing. Australian government does sweet f*** a** during housing crisis. There is a bill before parliament that if passed may build 30 000 social housing properties over 5 years. This, however, is an emergency and governments are doing bugger all right now to alleviate it. It is not enough to promise better things for the future. We need swift action right now to meet the challenges of this unfolding crisis.

person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing
6 mins 1 yr

A Terrible Indictment On American Doctors

The opioid crisis in America is a terrible indictment on American doctors. The fact that OxyContin was widely prescribed  as a safe cure for pain despite being an opioid is testament to the stupidity and gullibility of American doctors. The training and experience of medical practitioners should have indemnified them with a healthy scepticism for claims made by the pharmaceutical companies in this instance. Opioids have been known to be highly addictive for many decades and there have been no exceptions to this over the period.

woman in black tank top and gray pants holding brown and white cardboard box
6 mins 1 yr

I Asked AI, What ‘Woke’ Is?

The term ‘woke’ is bandied about in the media and by politicians on the right all too frequently. However, ask many of them to define the term and they struggle to answer that question. I asked AI, what ‘woke’ is? Thinking that some cool headed clarity may assist those who are unsure what to make of the current debate. Is ‘woke’ a good thing or a bad thing? I think it all depends upon where in the room you are standing. It seems, that those threatened by sharing a place at the table with those historically excluded want to make ‘woke’ a dirty word. Read what AI has to say on the matter and make up your own mind on the issue.